Python Variables (String)


Here I will talk about string data type in python, so first of all I will shear with you guys that what is string, types of sting, usage of citation and double citation in string.

String is an important and interesting data type in python it is collection of characters that we use them a lot for saying something for user. we cannot perform mathematics operations on them because python knows anything among a String as symbol even a number inside it but with the specialties of python we can use numbers as real number that I will show you in here example later, here I can remind that we have three kinds of string Normal string, numerical string and hybrid string that I will talk about them just in a second.

1: Normal String:
Normal string is a string with no numbers in it that means when we have no numbers among our character in a string that string is a normal string like:

     Name = “Zaki!”
We cannot change this kind of string to numerical datatypes.

2: Numerical String:
A string only with numbers in it is called numerical string that means a string that every element of that is a number like:

     Number = “123”
We can change this kind of string to numerical data types and then we can perform mathematics operations on that. Example of changing a string to a numerical data type:

3: Hybrid String:
Hybrid strings are string with both numbers and symbols (it consist of symbols and alphabet because alphabets are symbols too) in it that means a string that it’s elements are numbers and symbols like:

     Mix = “00Zaki!00”
We cannot change hybrid string to numerical data types.

Now that we know about types of string it is better that we know about citations that is always used with string. We have two kinds of citations for string that are single citations and double citation we can use both of them to put the value of string in it but we can use them in different ways like when we use double citations when we use a single citation among our text in the value part by this way python knows that single citation among the value not shows the end of string value but the single citation is the part of our text like:

     Info = “I am a boy and it’s good for me”
We can use the same for single citation we can use that when we use double citation in our text like:
     Info = ‘my name is Zaki and my last name is “Ahmadi”’
But if we have a string text with no single citation and double citation in it we can use any of the citations that we like.

The next important thing about string is this that strings are iterable that means that we can iterate on them like every element in a sting have an address that starts from zero this addresses in programming are known as index like below example:

    Name = ‘’ Z   a   k   i ”
    Index =     0   1   2  3
In the above example I put some space among each character of my name to show you it’s index but remember if we put a space among two characters the space is also known as a character that in this cases we said every character have an index.

Now that we know about indexing of string we have to know how to use them right?
We can choose a specific character of a text in string by use of their index we can use from index in [] brackets like:

     Name = ‘Ahmad Zaki “Ahmadi”’
     Name [1]
In here the result will be ‘h’ because the index of ‘h’ is number 1 you know why? Because indexes start from 0 we can choose any element from our string by its index by the above way we can also use these indexes by another way we can give start index and end index to select a proper part of a text for this we use brackets again like:

     Name = ‘Ahmad Zaki “Ahmadi”’
     Name [6:10]
In here I selected ‘Zaki’ from my complete name and it is the place that I mention that the ending index will not include in result that’s why I choose 10 for ending index.

Now if we want steps in the selected part it is so easy we can say that for python by putting another number after ending index of course I have to say that default step value is one. Example of steps in a selected part of text:

     Name = ‘Ahmad Zaki “Ahmadi”’
     Name [0:-1:2]
In here the result will be 'AmdZk Amd' now you may think what I mean by -1 in ending index I used that in here for you to show you another way of indexing we can index a string from last element which starts from -1 like:

     Name = ‘’ Z   a   k   i ”
     Index =     0   1   2  3
     Index =   -4  -3  -2 -1
In here I used from both kind of indexing to select all of my content in my string. that was a lot of information about string try them all by yourself and see what how simple it is. And of course if you faced with a problem feel free to ask it I hope that be useful for you.

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