
In this article we will talk about these titles: what is computer, computer definition, history of computer, types of computer, why we need computer.
What is computer:
Computer is taken form “computaar” which is a Latin word and that means computing.
Computer definition:
computer is an electronic machine that accepts program and perform calculation and logic operations on data according to given program to it with high speed and accuracy and save them.
History of computer:
The first computer designed by Charles Babbage known as father of computer which was a mathematics professor, the computer that he was made was very big and with less specialties. Ada Lovelace which was the first programmer, she programmed the computer for the first time in the world she was a friend and student of Charles Babbage.
After creation of computer scientists focused on developing of computer and computer form that time grow very fast that nowadays we can find different types of computers.
We can see at present time we have tablet PC, smart phones and many other devices that can do some or all things that a PC can do.
Types of computer:
We have 4 types of computers:
1: super computers: are high speed computers with big size and power full processing they are in use in military, space affairs.
2:  mainframe computers: are high speed computers but less than super computers mainframe computers are in use in big organizations to solve high level calculation.
3: mini computers: are medium speed computers with not so big size these computers are in use in medium organizations.
4: personal computers: are low speed computers with small size these computers are very common to use personally these computers are famous in (PC) we have three types of personal computers
1: desktop
2: laptop
3: tower top
Why we need computers:
Humans use from computer because computer is fast and accuracy humans brain is power full than computers but humans are not fast and accuracy like computer that is the reason which humans are trying to make smart machines to provide human mistakes and lead their works to more efficiency.

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