
In this topic we will learn about data and info(information) it consists definitions and types of data.
Data definition

Data is a Latin word that is given from datum and it is an unprocessed information that don’t have any special meaning.

What is data
Data is unprocessed information which do not have any meaning by itself like binary codes we know the main purpose of them when it processed by computer, if computer don’t process on that it’s very hard for us to know what it means.
What is info
Information is the processed data that a lot of them have meaning and we can know that very easy and fast like a paragraph which is talking about a specific subject it’s a mean full information but information is not always mean full, like bbbbb is a processed data but it still doesn’t have any meaning we can say for that mean less information.
Data types
All data types have codes that by them computer can realize what it is, one of famous codes are asci that in this system all numbers, alphabet, symbols, colors. But the interesting thing to know is this that big and small alphabet codes are different for example the code of small (a) in asci is number (97) and the big (A) code in asci is number (65).
We have 5 types of data
1: Number
2: Alphabet
3: Symbols
4: image
5: Video
1: numbers
Numbers are simple they just need to convert into binary to be mean full for computer like number one code in binary is (00110001).
2: alphabet
Alphabet is different with numbers, we can only enter numbers in computer for this alphabet first needs to convert to its numerical codes first and then to binary.
3: symbols
Symbols are too like alphabet they can’t be enter in computer by itself it must convert to its numerical code and then to binary.
4: image(photo)
These types of data are different they are made from pixels that every pixel made from a color and every color have a numerical code and by this way computer can realize which color is in which pixel,
Pixels up to now have square shape, whatever the pixel are more the quality of photo is higher.
5: video
The final data type is made from a collection of images that are related to each other logically when we see a video that is the images that are crossing very fast one after another, videos too must be change to number for this they first convert into images then to pixels then to color codes and then to binary .

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