History of C++ programming language


For the first time ‘Brains Kernighan’ makes a programming language in 1957 that named that ‘B’ that is his first name letter.
Brains Kernighan
After ‘Brains Kernighan that made ‘B’ programming language, ‘Martin Richard’ work on a new language and present that in 1963 in name of ‘CPL’ that manes “combined programming language”.
After that Scientists worked on these tow programming languages and from both of them they made ‘BCPL’ programming language in 1967 that means “basic combined programming language” the process of making of this programming language was passed in ‘AT & T Bell Laboratory’ that was sponsored by ministry of defense of America, that later Dines Ritchie in this organ made ‘C’ programming language that was hybrid of ‘CPL & BCPL’ programming languages in 1972, C programming language was a complete programming language that was used in deferent arena.
In the past there was programming languages that was local and there was a programming language for every filed that means if a programmer writes a program in a place if he sends or want use that in another place the program will not work because the programming language of his homeland and other places was different for that Brines Kernighan and Dines Ritchie both together worked to standardize the programming languages that means they was trying to make same rules for all countries and places that by this way all programmers have to write their programs by same rules all around the world, at the end Brines Kernighan and Dines Ritchie made that rules in 1978.
But that was not the end 2 year later that means in 1980 a person named Bjarne Stroustrup started working in AT & T Bell Laboratory and worked on ‘C’ programming language because C programming language on that time was very famous and a lot of programmer use that, finally Stroustrup update that and named it into ‘C++’ that was have positive points than ‘C’ programming language, Bjarne named the updated programming language C++ because in C++ “++” it self means add to specialties for that C++ mean C with extra specialties.
C++ and C programming language have a lot of fun up to now because they are complete programming languages, and for the good experience of them a lot of teachers teach C++ at advance to move the main idea of programming into their students and it is very useful.
All in all, C++ is a general purpose programming language that is made from C programming language, C++ is an object oriented programming language, that developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in AT & T Bell Lab, C++ is a widely used among programmers that used in games, programs and even security.


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