Computer divided into three parts, all we know the tow part
of computer which is software and hardware but a lot of us don’t know about the
third one that is firmware we will talk about that in below
1: hardware
2: software
3: firmware
1: Hardware: - is that part of computer that we can see and touch them, hardware divided into four section they are:
A: input unit: anything that enters data in
computer is called input unit like: keyboard, mouse …
B: output unit: anything that take information
for us is called output unit like: speakers, monitor …
C: storage unit: have two types
a: main storage: are those that are connected
to main board of computer directly.
main storage divided into two parts:
ROM (read only memory): permanent memory of computer they don’t need electricity
these kind of memory saves our information with or without electricity.
* RAM (random access memory): temporary
memory of computer that need electricity for saving data in it if the electricity stream
stops it will loss anything in it.
secondary storage: are those that don’t have direct link with main board they
are connected through interfaces with main board that means they are connected
to main board indirectly.
D: CPU (central processing unit): known as
the brain of computer it has to section in it
a: CU (control unit): this part of CPU
performs data management.
b: ALU (a traumatic and logical unit):
this part of CPU performs calculating and logical operations.
2: Software: - is a part of computer that we can see it but we can’t touch it, software divided into two sections which we will learn them all (programming is a part of software for that it is important to know about that in next topics we will talk about programming).
A: application software: known as helping
software they help us to achieve our special goals, they are divided into two
a: package or generic software: are those
that public people can use that.
b: customized software: are those that a
part of people can use that for proper purposes.
system software: are the software that belongs to computer, system software
divided into three parts that are in below:
a: operating system: this software performs
our commands on hardware, operating system divided into two parts:
* client
* server
b: programming language: are that programs
that helps us to understand computer what we want to say for them and what is
our goal to perform it by computer, programming language divided into two parts
that we will talk about them below:
* low level programming language: are
those that are like machine language (0,1).
* high level programming language: are
those that are mostly like human’s language (java, C++…)
translation software: are those that translate our coding into machine
language, translation language divided into two parts:
* interpreter: this translation
software checks codes when it faces with an error it stops until we debug it,
for that it is more effectively than compiler.
* compiler: this translation software
checks all the codes and at end it will highlight all our mistakes and let us
to debug it.
3: firmware: - it not has physical exist so we can say it is a part of software that links the software and hardware of computer to each other and makes them to work with each other.
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